Friday, May 14, 2010

Cell Phones in our public Schools???

Last night Steven and I were watching News Channel 4. One of our local news stations. The story was about a fight that had taken place in an Edmond Middle School. The main complaint of a parent and the station, was that students had recorded the fight from their cell phones and why in the world were these students using their cell phones in school? REALLY? Come on....what about the fact that two students were beating the snot out of each other?? Is that not a concern? What about the NO Tolerance policy that is suppose to be in place in our schools these days? When the station had asked about the NO cell phone policy to the disctrict, they had said that students in elementary and middle schools are not allowed to have cell phones on the school premises. I think we need to get off the soap box about kids using their cell phones in school and get on the train that supports NO FIGHTING in our schools!!! And one other side note, I do believe that students shouldn't be allowed to use their cell phones at school, so maybe parents need to get more involved with helping our schools keep this policy in place!!

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